Our 2024 ordering season has ended and we are no longer accepting orders through the website. If you have placed an order and received payment and/or order confirmation emails we guarantee to fill your order, even though we have stopped taking new orders for the year. 

While we would love to sell an endless number of plants, we simply do not have the capacity to do so.  Our desire is to be known for producing high quality plants and providing excellent customer service.  In order to do this we must manage the number of plants that we produce for each shipping date and stop shipping in the summer so that we may focus on the health and rejuvenation of our mother plants.

It is too early in the year for us to determine our exact plans and product line for 2025. We will update the website in the fall when we know our product line for the coming year. We will continue to operate the site as we have for the past several years by sending out ordering codes to existing customers before we turn to new customers.

If you are not an existing customer and are interested in placing an order in the future, please email us. Simply send a message with the Subject “New Customer Request” and provide your full name, and business name, if applicable.  There is additional information on the “order info” page regarding ordering and our policies.

As always, we will answer e-mails throughout the year so feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our company or if you have ordered plants and need guidance.

We wish to thank all of our customers for the opportunity to serve you and the overwhelming support we have been shown.  We hope that you are all doing well and that the plants will bring you great joy this fall when they flower!

Brian & Sheila Kanotz